Dictionary | Exercise

322 word(s) found
ID Hebrew Transliteration English Word Grouping Active
1avfather, ancestorChapter 03Yes
2ahbrotherChapter 03Yes
3ahot(f) sisterChapter 03Yes
4ismanChapter 03Yes
5issah(f) womanChapter 03Yes
6em(f) motherChapter 03Yes
7adamman, mankindChapter 03Yes
8^elohimGodChapter 03Yes
9bensonChapter 03Yes
10bat(f) daughterChapter 03Yes
11yis^raelisraelChapter 03Yes
12levheartChapter 03Yes
13ir(f) cityChapter 03Yes
14ofbirdChapter 03Yes
15ampeopleChapter 03Yes
16qolvoiceChapter 03Yes
17roshheadChapter 03Yes
18shemnameChapter 03Yes
19orlightChapter 05Yes
20erets(f) earthChapter 05Yes
21^asherwho, which, whatChapter 05Yes
22bayithouseChapter 05Yes
23b^rit(f) covenantChapter 05Yes
24gangardenChapter 05Yes
25davarword, thingChapter 05Yes
26harmountainChapter 05Yes
27hagfeast, festivalChapter 05Yes
28herev(f) swordChapter 05Yes
29hoshekhdarknessChapter 05Yes
30tovgoodChapter 05Yes
31yamseaChapter 05Yes
32mayimwaterChapter 05Yes
33melekhkingChapter 05Yes
34ruah(f) spirit, windChapter 05Yes
35shalompeaceChapter 05Yes
36shanah(f) yearChapter 05Yes
37hekhaltemple, palaceChapter 05Yes
38y^ladimchildrenChapter 05Yes
39y^orriverChapter 05Yes
40m^sillahhighwayChapter 05Yes
41^aronarkChapter 05Yes
42h^alomdreamChapter 05Yes
43h^olisicknessChapter 05Yes
44ah^areafter, behindChapter 06Yes
45elto, into, towardChapter 06Yes
46ben (with sere-yod)betweenChapter 06Yes
47lif^nebefore, in the presence ofChapter 06Yes
48minfrom, out ofChapter 06Yes
49aduntil, untoChapter 06Yes
50imwithChapter 06Yes
51alupon, above, aboutChapter 06Yes
52tahatunder, instead ofChapter 06Yes
53enthere is notChapter 06Yes
54boqermorningChapter 06Yes
55yad(f) handChapter 06Yes
56yomdayChapter 06Yes
57yeshthere is, there areChapter 06Yes
58lonotChapter 06Yes
59lay^lahnightChapter 06Yes
60maqomplaceChapter 06Yes
61etstreeChapter 06Yes
62ereveveningChapter 06Yes
63p^rifruitChapter 06Yes
64b^ (prepositions)in, by, with (prepositions)Chapter 06Yes
65k^ (prepositions)as, like, according to (prepositions)Chapter 06Yes
66l^ (prepositions)to, for, at (prepositions)Chapter 06Yes
67^adamah(f) ground, earthChapter 07Yes
68^adonayLordChapter 07Yes
69y^hvahLORDChapter 07Yes
70b^hemah(f) cattleChapter 07Yes
71basarfleshChapter 07Yes
72b^tokhin the midst ofChapter 07Yes
73gamalsoChapter 07Yes
74derekh(m f) wayChapter 07Yes
75yabbashah(f) dry groundChapter 07Yes
76kifor, that, becauseChapter 07Yes
77kolall, everyChapter 07Yes
78kenthus, soChapter 07Yes
79m^odvery, exceedinglyChapter 07Yes
80mits^vah(f) commandmentChapter 07Yes
81nefesh(f) soul, living beingChapter 07Yes
82afardustChapter 07Yes
83sadehfieldChapter 07Yes
84shamayimheavens, skyChapter 07Yes
85zeraseedChapter 07Yes
86evedservantChapter 07Yes
87petahdoorChapter 07Yes
88tiq^vahhopeChapter 07Yes
89baqara herdChapter 07Yes
90kerema vineyardChapter 07Yes
91mits^rayimEgyptChapter 07Yes
92naviprophetChapter 07Yes
93naaryouth, ladChapter 07Yes
94sushorseChapter 07Yes
95susah(f) mareChapter 07Yes
96sarprinceChapter 07Yes
97daat(f) knowledgeChapter 07Yes
98delet(f) doorChapter 07Yes
99hatat(f) sinChapter 07Yes
100qeshet(f) bowChapter 07Yes
101d^mut(f) likenessChapter 07Yes
102mal^kot(f) kingdomChapter 07Yes
103sh^erit(f) remnantChapter 07Yes
104seferbookChapter 07Yes
105torah(f) law, instructionChapter 07Yes
106dorgenerationChapter 07Yes
107ozen(f) earChapter 07Yes
108kanaf(f) wingChapter 07Yes
109naal(f) shoeChapter 07Yes
110ayin(f) eyeChapter 07Yes
111qeren(f) hornChapter 07Yes
112regel(f) footChapter 07Yes
113safah(f) lipChapter 07Yes
114moz^nayima pair of balancesChapter 07Yes
115akelah(f) foodChapter 07Yes
116daberhe spokeChapter 07 (additional)Yes
117zarahe sowedChapter 07 (additional)Yes
118malakhhe ruled, he reigned, became kingChapter 07 (additional)Yes
119avadhe servedChapter 07 (additional)Yes
120ufto flyChapter 07 (additional)Yes
121patahhe openedChapter 07 (additional)Yes
122qavahhe hoped, waitedChapter 07 (additional)Yes
123boqer (with holem-vav)a herdsmanChapter 07 (additional)Yes
124korema vinedresserChapter 07 (additional)Yes
125yis^r^eliIsraeliteChapter 07 (additional)Yes
126mits^riEgyptianChapter 07 (additional)Yes
127mal^kah(f) queenChapter 07 (additional)Yes
128n^viah(f) prophetessChapter 07 (additional)Yes
129n^arah, naarah(f) maiden, young womanChapter 07 (additional)Yes
130susah(f) mareChapter 07 (additional)Yes
131sarah(f) princessChapter 07 (additional)Yes
132susimhorsesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
133etsimtreesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
134harimmountainsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
135d^varimwordsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
136s^farimbooksChapter 07 (additional)Yes
137m^lakimkingsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
138^anashimmenChapter 07 (additional)Yes
139yamimdaysChapter 07 (additional)Yes
140banimsonsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
141avotfathersChapter 07 (additional)Yes
142m^qomotplacesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
143qolotvoicesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
144shemotnamesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
145susot(f) maresChapter 07 (additional)Yes
146torot(f) lawsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
147mits^vot(f) commandmentsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
148ruhot(f) spiritsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
149amot(f) mothersChapter 07 (additional)Yes
150banot(f) daughtersChapter 07 (additional)Yes
151n^fashot(f) living beingsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
152^eratsot(f) landsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
153nashim(f) womenChapter 07 (additional)Yes
154arim(f) citiesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
155dorim, dorotgenerationsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
156shanim, sh^notyearsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
157az^nayima pair of earsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
158yadyima pair of handsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
159k^nafayima pair of wingsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
160na^alayima pair of shoesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
161enayima pair of eyesChapter 07 (additional)Yes
162qar^nayima pair of hornsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
163reg^layima pair of feetChapter 07 (additional)Yes
164s^afatayima pair of lipsChapter 07 (additional)Yes
165gadolgreat, largeChapter 08Yes
166zagenold (of persons only)Chapter 08Yes
167hadashnewChapter 08Yes
168hazagstrongChapter 08Yes
169haylivingChapter 08Yes
170hakhamwiseChapter 08Yes
171yafehbeautiful, fair, handsomeChapter 08Yes
172yasharstraight, right, uprightChapter 08Yes
173marbitterChapter 08Yes
174azstrongChapter 08Yes
175qadoshholyChapter 08Yes
176qatonsmallChapter 08Yes
177qarovnearChapter 08Yes
178qashehhard, difficult, stubbornChapter 08Yes
179ravmany, much, greatChapter 08Yes
180rahoqfar, distantChapter 08Yes
181raevilChapter 08Yes
182raah(f) (an) evilChapter 08Yes
183tamimperfect, complete, wholeChapter 08Yes
184kavedheavyChapter 08Yes
185reqemptyChapter 08Yes
186eben(f) stoneChapter 09Yes
187kohthusChapter 09Yes
188lehembreadChapter 09Yes
189mid^barwilderness, desertChapter 09Yes
190mahWhat?Chapter 09Yes
191miWho?Chapter 09Yes
192mish^patjudgement, justiceChapter 09Yes
193MoshehMosesChapter 09Yes
194penlestChapter 09Yes
195shemenoil, fatChapter 09Yes
196^ani, anokhiI (1 cs)Chapter 09Yes
197^anan^hu, nan^hu, ^anuwe (1 cp)Chapter 09Yes
198atah (with aleph)you (2 ms)Chapter 09Yes
199atemyou (2 mp)Chapter 09Yes
200at^you (2 fs)Chapter 09Yes
201aten, atenahyou (2 fp)Chapter 09Yes
202huhe/it/that (3 ms)Chapter 09Yes
203hem, hemmahthey/those (3 mp)Chapter 09Yes
204hishe/it/that (3 fs)Chapter 09Yes
205hen, hennahthey/those (3 fp)Chapter 09Yes
206zehthis (ms)Chapter 09Yes
207zotthis (fs)Chapter 09Yes
208ellehthese (mp, fp)Chapter 09Yes
209oheltentChapter 10Yes
210^emet(f) truthChapter 10Yes
211esh(f) fireChapter 10Yes
212dambloodChapter 10Yes
213zahavgoldChapter 10Yes
214hayyah(f) living thing, animalChapter 10Yes
215hakh^mah(f) wisdomChapter 10Yes
216hesedgoodness, kindness, mercyChapter 10Yes
217yayinwineChapter 10Yes
218kokhavstarChapter 10Yes
219kesefsilverChapter 10Yes
220et(f) timeChapter 10Yes
221reafriendChapter 10Yes
222pehmouthChapter 10Yes
223t^hom(f) great deep, abyssChapter 10Yes
224mavehdeathChapter 10Yes
225elefthousandChapter 10Yes
226begedgarmentChapter 10Yes
227hevelvapor, vanityChapter 10Yes
228mig^daltowerChapter 10Yes
229mis^parnumberChapter 10Yes
230mish^kantabernacleChapter 10Yes
231zayitolive treeChapter 10Yes
232ahavhe lovedChapter 11Yes
233amarhe saidChapter 11Yes
234barahe createdChapter 11Yes
235hayahhe was, becameChapter 11Yes
236halakhhe walked, wentChapter 11Yes
237yadahe knewChapter 11Yes
238yah^ddantogetherChapter 11Yes
239yeledchildChapter 11Yes
240kavodglory, honorChapter 11Yes
241tevah(f) arkChapter 11Yes
242odagain, yet, stillChapter 11Yes
243al-p^neover, aboveChapter 11Yes
244atah (with ayin)nowChapter 11Yes
245pohhereChapter 11Yes
246ts^vaothosts, armiesChapter 11Yes
247shabbat(m, f) sabbathChapter 11Yes
248shamthereChapter 11Yes
249sh^nehemthe two of themChapter 11Yes
250oorChapter 12Yes
251otsignChapter 12Yes
252hen, hennehbeholdChapter 12Yes
253hatsihalfChapter 12Yes
254laqahhe tookChapter 12Yes
255matsahe foundChapter 12Yes
256nafalhe fellChapter 12Yes
257alahhe went upChapter 12Yes
258paqadhe visited, appointedChapter 12Yes
259qarahe calledChapter 12Yes
260shakhavhe lay downChapter 12Yes
261shalahhe sentChapter 12Yes
262shamahe heard, obeyedChapter 12Yes
263shamarhe keptChapter 12Yes
264akhalhe ateChapter 12Yes
265yashavhe satChapter 12Yes
266nasahe took up, lifted upChapter 12Yes
267asahhe did, madeChapter 12Yes
268yarehe was afraidChapter 12Yes
269yakholhe was ableChapter 12Yes
270tsavahhe commandedChapter 12Yes
271ravahhe revived, was refreshedChapter 12Yes
272karathe cut, cut offChapter 12Yes
273kashalhe stumbledChapter 12Yes
274katavhe wroteChapter 12Yes
275mashalhe ruledChapter 12Yes
276pamalhe killedChapter 12Yes
277ganavhe stoleChapter 13Yes
278d^mut(f) likeness, imageChapter 13Yes
279hayyomtodayChapter 13Yes
280hodeshnew moon, monthChapter 13Yes
281homah(f) wallChapter 13Yes
282lakhenthereforeChapter 13Yes
283negevNegev, dry country, southChapter 13Yes
284natanhe gaveChapter 13Yes
285amadhe stoodChapter 13Yes
286tsonflock, sheepChapter 13Yes
287tsaddigrighteous oneChapter 13Yes
288tselemimage, likenessChapter 13Yes
289ehadoneChapter 14Yes
290etwithChapter 14Yes
291[bdl]he separated, dividedChapter 14Yes
292banahhe builtChapter 14Yes
293[bqsh]he soughtChapter 14Yes
294bar^tsalironChapter 14Yes
295[dvr](Pi'el) he spokeChapter 14Yes
296zakharmaleChapter 14Yes
297kohenpriestChapter 14Yes
298minspecies, kindChapter 14Yes
299mil^hamah(f) war, battleChapter 14Yes
300n^hoshetcopper, bronzeChapter 14Yes
301n^qevah(f) femaleChapter 14Yes
302anancloudChapter 14Yes
303paryoung bullChapter 14Yes
304qerevmidstChapter 14Yes
305lakhadhe capturedChapter 14Yes
306shavarhe brokeChapter 14Yes
307satarhe hidChapter 14Yes
308nil^hamhe fought (Nif'al - Qal)Chapter 14Yes
309nish^bahe swore (Nif'al - Qal)Chapter 14Yes
310nashaqhe kissedChapter 14Yes
311avad (with aleph)he perishedChapter 14Yes
312gadalhe was greatChapter 14Yes
313lamadhe learnedChapter 14Yes
314qadashhe was holyChapter 14Yes
315biqeshhe sought (Pi'el - Qal)Chapter 14Yes
316diberhe spoke (Pi'el - Qal)Chapter 14Yes
317hillelhe praised (Pi'el - Qal)Chapter 14Yes
318ametshe was strongChapter 14Yes
319yatsahe went outChapter 14Yes
320avarhe passed overChapter 14Yes
321shakhanhe dwelledChapter 14Yes
322sakalhe was prudent, wiseChapter 14Yes